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Yoga for Health, Success & Joy

This class is part of a freely offered series of Upa Yoga practices that activates your joints, muscles and energy system. You don’t need any prior experience of yoga, or any special agility. Best of all, it takes less than 20 minutes.


“True health fundamentally means to be in tune with nature, both inner and outer” – Sadhguru


“If you want to be successful, don’t seek success – seek competence, empowerment; do nothing short of the best that you can do.” – Sadhguru


“Joy is not about what you do and what you do not do. Joy is about how you are within yourself.”– Sadhguru


Can you say you are joyful 24/7? It might seem like those who can, must either be freak happenings or plain liars, right? Not really. There is a way to make joy your constant companion. Sometimes all you need is to step back and get a little perspective. Watch the video for more!


In a world of hectic lifestyles, desk-jobs and pollution, health seems a faraway thing. Sadhguru gives us the unique yogic perspective on health. By paying attention to a few simple fundamentals, you can ensure good health for yourself.


At the end of the day, how successful you are in life just depends on how well you can use your mind and body. Sadhguru points out some essential qualities you should cultivate in both these dimensions. He gives you a 5-min experiment you can do every day, to generate clarity of mind.


These aspects of the Upa Yoga series are:

Directional Movement - a simple way to activate the energy nodules in your joints and exercise your muscles, bringing ease to the whole system.


Neck Practices - In evolution, a vertical spine corresponds to a leap in capability. This simple practice keeps the spine healthy and active, and can do wonders.


Yoga for Joy - Nada Yoga – the yoga of sound or reverberation – allows you to utter the sounds that create an inner atmosphere of joy, making it a natural way to be.


No prior experience of Yoga required

Suitable for adults and children 7 and older

Class duration 90 minutes

First Wednesdays 5:30 - 7:00PM


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