FREE Introduction to Upa Yoga a rotating series for health, wellness, peace, joy, wellbeing and more
Upa Yoga - meaning "pre" or "sub" yoga is a simple and effective set of practices that anyone can do anytime and anywhere.
Learn a series of 5-minute processes that are easy-to-practice yet potent tools to enhance one's life through inner wellbeing, helping one cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize their full potential in all spheres of life.
These practices are based on the science of Upa Yoga, which is oriented towards physical and psychological benefits. These practices help:
Enhance focus, memory and productivity. Stabilize body, mind and emotions
Strengthen and stabilize the spine
Relieve back pain, stress and anxiety
Relieve chronic ailments and improve health
Enhance teamwork and communication
Impart a lasting sense of joy, peace and fulfillment
In this rotating series you will learn many aspects of Upa Yoga from which you can build a personalized home practice.
For details, class dates and to request a class, please see:
No prior experience of Yoga required Experience level: beginner Age: 7 and above
Cost: Always Free